Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Platinum Sponsors

I talk a great deal when speaking and writing about the POWER of shopping LOCAL. I don’t just preach it. I practice it. By now, I hope everyone in the Lake Gaston region understands how important it is to spend our dollars at home and how those dollars continue turning over and over in our communities in the form of tax dollars, wages, donations and disposable income.

We all have them. We often forget to count them. Day-to-day irritations sometimes pick away at them. The big hurdles of life can overshadow them. At Thanksgiving, thank goodness we take an entire day for the purpose of remembering and celebrating our blessings.

Today we celebrate Veteran’s Day and pay homage to the heroes who have fought for our country and protected our freedoms. Many of those veterans live here in the Lake Gaston region, and we should all be proud to call them our neighbors. To those veterans reading this article, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your acts of bravery, honor and self-sacrifice.

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Gold Sponsors

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