Saturday, April 27, 2024

Platinum Sponsors

LKG 911 Community Task Force

Member Name: Sherry Herzing
Address *: P. O. Box 304
City *: Henrico
State *: North Carolina
Zip *: 27842
Phone: 434-636-4027

All About Us

Raising awareness to save lives thru providing education and resources to help the community avoid delays when 911 emergency services are urgently needed.

The 911 LKG Task Force will provide presentations and materials for your organization, association or club. Living in a rural area, crossing multiple counties and states, can easily divert a 911 emergency cell phone to the wrong County 911 center causing delays during a crisis where time counts! Our preparedness measures help save lives whether the caller is a child, visitor, renter or resident. Invite us to provide important education.
911 can't help if they can't find you.

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911 FireDepartment (002).jpg

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Gold Sponsors

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